





1. 中国国际服务贸易交易会 China International Fair for Trade in Services

The China International Fair for Trade in Services, which to be held in Beijing on Friday, will stage a total of 190 forums and negotiations under the theme of "Global Services, Shared Prosperity".中国国际服务贸易交易会将于9月4日在北京举办,主题为“全球服务,互惠共享”,会议期间将举办190多场论坛及洽谈活动。


根据世界贸易组织(WTO)的界定,服务贸易(trade in services)有12大领域,包括商业服务(business services)、通讯服务(communication services)、建筑及相关工程服务(construction and related services)、金融服务(financial services)、旅游及旅行相关服务(tourism and related services)、娱乐文化与体育服务(entertainment, culture and sports services)、运输服务(transport services )、健康与社会服务(health and social services)、教育服务(educational services)、分销服务(distribution services)、环境服务(environmental services)及其他服务。

中国国际服务贸易交易会(China International Fair for Trade in Services,CIFTIS)的前身是“京交会”(China (Beijing) International Fair for Trade in Services/Beijing Fair),自2012年首届举办以来已8年。作为服务贸易领域的龙头展会,服贸会同广交会、进博会一起成为中国对外开放的三大展会。


As of Aug 30, over 2,000 firms had signed up as offline exhibitors, while more than 4,000 companies will showcase their products and services online.截至8月30日,参加服贸会线下展会的企业有2000余家,线上参展4000余家。

Overseas exhibitors and guests will mainly attend the fair through online platforms to forestall risks brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.为了防范新冠肺炎疫情风险,海外参展商以及嘉宾将主要通过线上平台参加服贸会。

国际嘉宾积极参会 服贸会上大咖云集

Up to now, 20 officials from international organizations have confirmed they will participate in the service trade fair online.到目前为止,已有20位国际组织官员确认参加服贸会线上活动。

More than 70 executives from 43 Fortune 500 companies and 20 multinational companies, as well as well-known economists, such as Joseph Stiglitz and Li Daokui, also have confirmed their participation.43家世界500强企业及20家跨国公司的70余位高管确认参会,约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨、李稻葵等知名经济学家也确认参会。


Activities focusing on the twelve major areas of trade in services will be held, covering 20 themes such as winter sports, cultural services, financial services, 5G communication services, education services, sports services, service robots, public health and epidemic prevention, e-commerce, environmental services, technical services, construction services, transportation services, tourism services, design services, exhibition services, intellectual property rights, and traditional Chinese medicine services.2020年服贸会将聚焦服务贸易12大领域,以冬季运动、文化服务、金融服务、5G通信服务、教育服务、体育服务、服务机器人、公共卫生防疫、电子商务、环境服务、技术服务、建筑服务、运输服务、旅游服务、设计服务、展会服务、知识产权、中医服务等20个专题为核心举办活动。

2. 入境航班 inbound flights


Beijing will gradually resume direct inbound flights to the city from eight countries, starting from Thursday, the municipal government announced Wednesday. The listed countries are Cambodia, Greece, Denmark, Thailand, Pakistan, Austria, Canada and Sweden, all of which pose a low risk of cross-border infection and conduct nucleic acid tests for passengers.北京市政府宣布,自9月3日起逐步恢复北京国际客运航班直航。根据相关航班始发地远端核酸检测工作情况,将先行恢复泰国、柬埔寨、巴基斯坦、希腊、丹麦、奥地利、瑞典、加拿大等8个跨境感染风险较低国家至北京的航班。


为严控首都疫情输入风险,自3月23日开始,入境北京的所有国际客运航班被分流到指定第一入境点(first point of entry),接受检疫符合条件的旅客可搭乘原航班入京。截至9月1日,已有511个国际客运航班被分流到第一入境点。


The number of passengers on direct international flights to Beijing will be capped at around 500 each day during the trial period. The number is expected to double after the trial run ends.试运行期间,每天入境北京的国际客运航班乘客数量控制在500人左右,试运行期结束后,人员规模掌握在1000人左右。


Cap这个词大家都认识,本意是“帽子”,尤指那种带帽舌的帽子,比如baseball cap(棒球帽)。在这里,cap作为动词使用,表示“对(价格、人数等)进行限制”,相当于set a limit on/put a ceiling/impose a cap on,比如,Their salary was capped at 10,000 yuan per month./The management team put a salary cap of 10,000 yuan on them.(他们的月薪不能超过1万元。)而且这里的限制一般都指“上限”,因为ceiling和cap都在我们的头顶,在某件事上加了个天花板或者帽子,其实就是相当于“给某事设了一个上限”。

The passengers should be citizens of those foreign countries or Chinese people who are traveling back from those countries. People from third countries should not take those flights as a transfer to Beijing.直航北京国际航班旅客原则上应为通航国家和地区的公民以及在该地的中国公民,严格控制第三国人员在该地中转入境北京口岸。


Passengers without a negative nucleic acid test result or who fail to pass a temperature scan wont be able to board.未持有核酸检测阴性证明、体温检测超过标准旅客不予登机。

Passengers will be tested for COVID-19 in a special section at the Beijing Capital International Airport after going through customs clearance and inspection upon arrival.旅客到达北京首都国际机场,完成通关查验后,将在专区进行新冠病毒检测。

The travelers must also undergo a mandatory 14-day concentrated medical observation. Those who test positive for COVID-19 or develop fever or symptoms of respiratory illness will be transferred to designated hospitals, including their close contacts.所有入境旅客将接受14天集中医学观察,对核酸检测结果呈阳性、出现发热或呼吸道症状以及密切接触者等人员,及时安排转送至定点医院。

Beijing residents returning from those countries via direct flights will need to have another 7-day health monitoring period at home after the 14-day quarantine.从上述国家搭乘直航返京的北京居民在结束14天集中观察后,还需进行7天居家健康监测。

根据入境后实际输入病例数,及时采取恢复指定第一入境点入境、航班熔断("circuit breaker" mechanism for airlines)等措施,最大限度阻断疫情输入风险。

3. 手机应用被禁 apps banned in India


The Indian government through its Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology announced a ban on 118 Chinese apps which it said were "engaged in activities prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of India, defense of India, security of the state and public order". The affected apps include search engine Baidu, e-commerce service Mobile Taobao, online videos provider Youku and other popular apps such as Sina News, WeChat reading and PUBG Mobile Lite.印度政府通过印度电子和信息技术部宣布禁用118款“涉嫌参与危害印度主权与(领土)完整、印度国防、国家安全和公共秩序活动”的中国App,其中包括搜索引擎百度、电商服务平台手机淘宝、在线视频应用优酷,以及新浪新闻、微信阅读以及《绝地求生》手游等热门应用程序。

针对印度此举,中国商务部新闻发言人高峰9月3日回应,中方对此表示严重关切,坚决反对(deeply concerned about and firmly oppose Indias ban)。


The Indian side has abused the concept of national security and taken discriminatory and restrictive measures against Chinese enterprises, violating the relevant rules and regulations of the World Trade Organization.印方滥用“国家安全”概念,对中国企业采取歧视性限制措施,违反世贸组织相关规则。


Abuse这个词可以用作动词或名词,均表示“滥用,虐待”等意思,比如:power abuse/to abuse power(滥用职权)、child abuse/to abuse a child(虐待儿童)、drug abuse/abuse drugs(药物滥用)、verbal abuse/verbally abuse someone(语言暴力)等。实施这些行为的人就是abuser。

The Chinese government insists that all Chinese companies operating abroad abide by international rules and work in accordance with the laws and regulations.中国政府一贯要求中国在海外企业遵守国际规则,合法合规经营。


这里的abide by表示“遵守、顺从”,多用在比较正式的语境中,比如:abide by laws and regulations(遵守法律法规)等,此外,follow、obey、observe等词也可以用来替换abide by表示相同的意思。另外还有两个常用的词组comply with和conform to也表示类似的意思,不过这两个词组的主语既可以是人,也可以是物,比如:conform to anothers wishes(顺了别人的心意);The building doesnt conform to local regulations.(这个建筑不符合当地的规定。);The devices comply with industry standards.(这些设备符合行业标准。)而abide by的主语只能是人。

The Indian governments actions were hurting not only the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese investors and service providers, but also the interests of Indian consumers and the countrys investment environment as an open economy.印方有关做法,不仅损害中国投资者和服务提供者的合法权益,同时也损害印度消费者的利益,损害印度作为开放经济体的投资环境。

"China urges the Indian side to correct its wrong practices," Gao said, stressing that economic and trade cooperation between the two countries is mutually beneficial, and India should make efforts to create an open, fair and just business environment for international investors and service providers including Chinese businesses.中方敦促印方纠正错误做法。中印经贸合作是互利共赢的。希望印方与中方共同维护好来之不易的合作发展局面,为包括中国企业在内的国际投资者和服务提供者营造开放、公平、公正的营商环境。

4. 正当防卫 justifiable defense


The premise of justifiable defense is the existence of unlawful infringement, which includes not only infringement on the right to life and health, but also the violation of personal freedoms, public and private property, among other rights, according to the guideline.指导意见明确,正当防卫的前提是存在不法侵害。不法侵害既包括侵犯生命、健康权利的行为,也包括侵犯人身自由、公私财产等权利的行为。


正当防卫(justifiable defense),指对正在进行不法侵害行为的人采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成一定限度损害的,属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任。


为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在进行的不法侵害,而采取的制止不法侵害的行为,对不法侵害人造成损害的,属于正当防卫,不负刑事责任。If a person employs an act to stop an unlawful infringement for the purposes of avoiding the said infringement for the States or the public interest or for his own or another persons right of the person, property right or any other right, thus causing harm to the unlawful infringer, the said act shall be regarded as a justifiable defense and the said person shall not bear criminal responsibility.

正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。If a justifiable defense apparently exceeds the limits of necessity, thus causing a serious harm, the person involved shall bear criminal responsibility, but be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from punishment.

对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡的,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。If a person employs an act of defense to an immediate violent crime of committing physical assault, homicide, robbery, rape, kidnapping or any other crime seriously endangering the safety of another person, thus causing bodily injury or death to the unlawful infringer, the said act shall not be regarded as a defense that exceeds the limits of necessity, and the said person shall not bear criminal responsibility.

其中,“正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任”指的就是“防卫过当(excessive defense)”。

在正当防卫制度的具体适用上,指导意见还提出了 “十个准确”规则。例如,要准确把握正当防卫的起因条件(causal conditions for justifiable defense)、准确把握正当防卫的时间条件(timing of justifiable defense)、准确把握防卫过当的意图条件(intentions of excessive defense)、准确把握防卫过当的刑罚裁量(punishment for excessive defense)及特殊防卫的认定条件等。

If someone finds that others are causing damage to national or public security, efforts to stop them will also be regarded as self-defense. For example, passengers can stop people trying to grab steering wheels or attack bus drivers while vehicles are in motion, according to the guideline.指导意见明确,阻止危害国家或公共安全的行为被视为正当防卫。比如,在行驶的车辆上,乘客对于正在进行的拉拽方向盘、殴打司机等行为,可以实行防卫。

In addition, when a person is attacked by a group of people, he or she can fight back not only against the attackers as self-defense, but also those organizing or instigating the attack at the scene, it added.对于多人共同实施不法侵害的,既可以针对直接实施不法侵害的人进行防卫,也可以针对在现场共同实施不法侵害的人进行防卫。

5. 学位互认 mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees

China has established educational cooperation and exchange with 188 countries and regions and 46 international organizations, and forged agreements with 54 countries on mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees in higher education,said Liu Jin, director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the MOE.教育部国际合作与交流司司长刘锦表示,中国已与188个国家和地区、46个重要国际组织建立了教育合作与交流关系,与54个国家签署了高等教育学历学位互认协议。


这里的forge原意是“锻造、铸造”(heat the metal and then hammer and bend it into the required shape),后引申出“制定、建立”等意思,比如:forge an agreement/forge a good relationship with...(与...签署协议/建立良好的关系)等。此外,forge这个词还用来表示“伪造”,比如:forge passport(伪造护照)、forge ones signature(伪造某人的签名),所以其名词形式forgery就表示“伪造罪;赝品”,比如:this painting is a forgery.(这幅画是赝品)。


China is the worlds largest source of international students, with about 1.4 million Chinese now studying abroad.中国是全球最大留学生源地国,目前在海外的留学生约140万人。

Meanwhile, an increasing number of foreign students choose to study in China. The Chinese government has set up the "Silk Road" scholarship program to help train talents for countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.同时,来华留学生数量持续增加。中国政府设立了“丝绸之路”奖学金项目,助力“一带一路”人才培养。


离开自己所在的国家去其他国家和地区的学校学习深造的所有学生统称为international students(国际学生/留学生),对于本国的学生来说,从其他国家来我国学习的学生就是foreign students,而离开我们国家去外国学习的学生则是overseas students,学成回国的“海归”就是overseas returnees。这几年很流行的“出国游学”就是overseas study tour。


Despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, China will further deepen cooperation and exchange with other countries in the education sector.虽然受到新冠肺炎疫情影响,中国仍将继续致力于深化拓展与世界各国在教育领域的互利合作和交流互鉴。

6. 商业短信 commercial short messages


The draft regulations say organizations or individuals should not send any commercial short messages or make any commercial calls to users without their consent or request, or after they have been explicitly rejected.意见稿提出,任何组织或个人未经用户同意或者请求,或者用户明确表示拒绝的,不得向其发送商业性短信息或拨打商业性电话。


商业性短信息(commercial short messages)或商业性电话(commercial calls),是指用于介绍、推销商品、服务或者商业投资机会的短信息或电话(short messages or calls used for introduction or marketing of products, services or business investment opportunities)。

Basic telecommunication business operators would not be allowed to provide any access services or communication resources for organizations and individuals that have not obtained business licenses for telecommunication services to engage in commercial short message and voice call services.基础电信业务经营者不得为未取得电信业务经营许可的单位或者个人提供用于经营短信息和语音呼叫服务的接入服务及通信资源。


这里的engage in表示“从事、参与”等意思,通常情况下我们多用engage someone in something这个固定搭配,比如:You can engage the kids in a game this afternoon so that I can get some work done.(下午你让孩子们玩游戏,这样我就能干点儿活。)如果用这个搭配的被动形式,就是someone is engaged in doing something,表示“忙于做某事”,比如:Dad is engaged in fixing the car, so he cant talk right now.(爸爸忙着修车呢,没空讲话。)另外,我们看美剧的时候,经常会听到指挥官对手下的队员们说“do not engage”,意思就是“(遇到敌人)不要交战”,这种情况下engage就是不及物动词,表示“enter into conflict or battle”。 

Suppliers of short message services should make sure users have agreed to or asked to receive commercial short messages before sending them out, with records of user consent to be kept for at least five months.短信息服务提供者发送端口类商业性短信的,应当确保有关用户已同意或请求接收,并保留用户同意凭证至少5个月。

7. 婚姻登记 marriage registration


Local authorities in China have been asked to compile teaching materials and roll out tutoring sessions aimed at preparing young couples for married life and to introduce a ceremony for marriage certificate presentation to the marriage registration procedure, the guideline said.指导意见要求,各地要编写婚前辅导教材,推出婚前辅导课程,帮助当事人做好进入婚姻状态的准备,同时还要在婚姻登记流程中引入颁证仪式。


这里的marriage registration(婚姻登记)是两人结婚必经的法定流程,只有在民政部门正式登记才算是合法夫妻(legally wedded couple)。关于“结婚”的英文表达,最简单的就是A marries/weds B,其他常用的表达还有,to tie the knot, to walk down the aisle, to get hitched等。To tie the knot(喜结连理)至少在13世纪就用来表示“结婚”的意思了,knot在很多文化中都被视为“坚不可摧的承诺”之意。To walk down the aisle则指举行婚礼时,新娘由家人陪伴走过教堂或礼堂的过道,来到新郎身旁,然后举行仪式。To get hitched更形象地表现了婚姻中两个人的关系,hitch本意是“拴住、套住”,get hitched就是两个人拴在一起。

根据意见要求,各地要着力提升结婚颁证服务水平,县级以上婚姻登记机关至少设立一个独立的颁证大厅,探索将颁证仪式引入结婚登记流程并实现颁证仪式常态化(include the certificate-issuing ceremony in the regular marriage registration procedure),通过引导婚姻当事人宣读结婚誓言(take wedding vows)、领取结婚证,在庄重神圣的仪式中宣告婚姻缔结,让当事人感悟铭记婚姻家庭蕴含的责任担当(better comprehend the responsibility that comes with marriage)。


The guidelines also called for improving mechanisms for family dispute mediation and divorce counseling, and required marriage registries at the county level and above to set up mediation rooms.意见同时强调,要深化婚姻家庭关系调适和离婚辅导,县级以上婚姻登记机关要设置婚姻家庭纠纷调解室。

They should also explore effective ways to intervene in faltering relationships and provide support during the cooling-off period before a divorce is granted, it said.探索离婚冷静期内对当事人开展婚姻危机干预的有效方法和措施,并对当事人提供支持。

8. 鸿蒙系统2.0 HarmonyOS2.0

Huawei Technologies Co said on Thursday that its in-house operating system HarmonyOS will be used in smartphones next year, marking a breakthrough in Chinese companies efforts to commercialize self-developed operating systems and to build their own globally competitive software ecosystems.华为9月10日宣布,其自有的鸿蒙操作系统明年将用于智能手机,这标志着中国企业在自主操作系统商用以及建立具有全球竞争力的自有软件生态系统方面有了重大突破。



这里的OS是operating system的简写形式,比如苹果的操作系统就是iOS,安卓的操作系统就是Android OS。

HarmonyOS is already used in Huaweis smart TV products. With the upgrade of the system, HarmonyOS will be used in smartwatches, personal computers and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices later.鸿蒙操作系统已经在华为智能电视产品中使用,随着系统升级,未来智能手表、个人电脑以及其他物联网设备也将使用鸿蒙操作系统。

本次开发者大会上,华为面向全球首发了HMS Core 5.0。

HMS是华为移动服务(Huawei Mobile Services)的简写形式,是华为为其设备生态系统提供的一套应用程序和服务,这是华为构建应用生态的第一步。HMS是华为云服务的合集,包含华为账号、应用内支付、华为推送服务、华为云盘服务、华为广告服务、消息服务、付费下载服务、快应用等服务。

Huawei said the mobile applications integrated with HMS so far have exceeded 96,000. The number of developers of HMS now stands at over 1.8 million.华为表示,在全球180万开发者的支持下,目前已有超过9.6万个应用集成HMS Core。


Huawei has also promised to make HarmonyOS open source, which means anyone can freely examine the system specification to make sure theres no problem.华为同时承诺让鸿蒙操作系统开源,这意味着任何人都可以自由查看系统详情确保运行顺畅。

The code for small Internet of Things (IoT) devices with 128 megabytes or less storage is available now.目前,鸿蒙系统已对128MB以下小型物联网终端设备开源。

The code for larger devices will be freely published in April 2021, and the remaining code will be available for download by October 2021.2021年4月将面向内存更大一些的终端设备开源、2021年10月以后将面向其余设备开源。

9. 旅行安全 travel safety

Currently, on the Chinese mainland, the virus can only be found in hospitalized patients, people placed under medical observation and laboratories, Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said during an interview with China Central Television.中国疾病预防控制中心流行病学首席专家吴尊友接受央视采访时表示:“中国境内存在新冠病毒的地方,主要是在隔离或住院的病人当中,和(相关的)实验室里。”

"It is now impossible to contract the virus in social environments, including schools and workplaces," he said. "There is no need to place extra restrictions on tourists out of concern for COVID-19 infections, though necessary travel safety precautions should be taken due to large gatherings."他表示:“复学也好、复工复产也好,在社会层面是不可能感染新冠病毒的。从新冠肺炎防控角度来看,国庆节到各地去旅游应该没有什么特别限制和需要警惕的。由于国庆节人多,旅行安全还是要给予高度重视。”


这里的out of concern for表示“出于对...的担忧”,concern作为动词和名词都表示“担忧、关心”等意思,比如:The problem concerns us all.(这个问题与我们所有人相关);Her ill health concerns me.(她身体不好,让我担心);Its no concern of yours/none of your concern.(与你无关)。写作的时候用来表达观点的一个常用词组就是as far as (someone) is concerned(在某人看来);如果把这个搭配里面的someone换成something,变成as far as (something) is concerned,表示“就...而言”,比如:He has no worries as far as money is concerned.(在钱方面,他没什么可担心的)。

国家卫健委通报,截至9月13日,中国境内已连续29天无本土新增新冠肺炎确诊病例(no new locally transmitted infections for 29 consecutive days )。


After months of exploring and practicing strategies aimed at fending off imported infections, China has improved its knowledge in this aspect and is capable of gradually increasing incoming flights.在防范输入病例方面,经过数月的探索和实践,我国已经提升了这方面的认知,也有能力逐步增加入境航班数量。

All incoming travelers will be managed in a closed-off loop and will not pose risks to local residents.所有入境旅客都会进行闭环管理,不会为当地居民带来危险。

10. 住房租赁条例 rental housing rules


The draft regulation is designed to protect the lawful interests of tenants and landlords. One of its provisions says the interior decoration of apartments should meet national standards and not pose a risk to tenants health.该条例旨在保护租客和房东的合法权益。其中一条规定,出租住房的室内装修应当符合国家有关标准,不得危及承租人的人身健康。


这里的pose a risk to就是“危及...”,我们也可以用put someone/something at risk或者endanger someone/something来替换,比如上文中的pose a risk to tenants health就可以替换成put tenants health at risk/endanger tenants health。


Landlords should not rent kitchens, bathrooms, balconies or basements for tenants to live in, and landlords should show their ID and real estate ownership certificates to tenants before a lease is signed. Tenants should also show their ID to landlords.厨房、卫生间、阳台和地下储藏室等非居住空间,不得出租用于居住。签订住房租赁合同前,出租人应当向承租人出示身份证明、不动产权属证书等证明住房权利归属的材料。承租人应当向出租人出示身份证明。

Landlords who collect deposits from tenants should include the amount and its time of refund in contracts.出租人收取押金的,应当在住房租赁合同中约定押金的数额和返还时间。

Landlords should not enter a rented apartment without the tenants consent, the draft says.未经承租人同意,出租人不得擅自进入租赁住房。

Landlords should also take on the responsibility of apartment maintenance unless they have agreed otherwise with tenants.出租人应当履行租赁住房的维修义务,但当事人另有约定的除外。

Tenants should abide by laws and regulations and not damage or dismantle fire safety facilities or make alterations to apartments load-bearing structures, it says.承租人应当遵守法律、法规的规定,合理使用租赁住房,不得损坏、擅自拆除消防设施或者改动房屋承重结构。

The lease between tenant and landlord should be registered in the online real estate rental system.出租人和承租人签订住房租赁合同的,应当通过房屋网签备案系统进行备案。


这里的lease本身就有“租约”的意思,因此没必要在后面加contract或agreement等表示“协议、合同”的词,比如:We signed a three-year lease when we moved into the house.(我们搬进这个房子的时候签了三年的租约)。The lease runs out/expires in two years time.(租约两年后到期)。另外,lease也可以用作动词或名词,表示“租赁(车、房子等)”,比如我们在影视剧中经常看到房子打算出租以后就会在外面立一个牌子,上面写着“For Lease”就是表示“此房出租”,如果写的是“For Sale”就是(此房出售)。用作动词的时候后面可以直接跟租赁的对象,比如:It was agreed they would lease the apartment to him/lease him the apartment.(他们同意把房子租给他)。

Real estate agents should not coax or force tenants into applying for loans to pay rents by offering rent discounts or other measures, and they must not include any mention of such loans in leases.住房租赁企业不得以隐瞒、欺骗、强迫等方式要求承租人使用住房租金贷款,不得以租金优惠等名义诱导承租人使用住房租金贷款,不得在住房租赁合同中包含租金贷款相关内容。

Commercial banks that grant such loans should make sure the length of maturity does not exceed the duration of the lease, the draft regulation says.商业银行发放住房租金贷款,贷款期限不得超过住房租赁合同期限。

11. 出国受阻留学生 stranded students intending to study abroad

Given the continuing spread of COVID-19 around the globe, as well as entry, visa and flight restrictions imposed by a number of countries, some Chinese students intending to study abroad have been forced to change, delay or even call off their plans, the Ministry of Education said.教育部指出,受新冠肺炎疫情影响及各国(地)入境、签证、航班等政策限制,部分我国学生赴境外国家和地区留学的计划被迫改变、延迟甚至取消。


这里的call off就是“取消”的意思,也可以用cancel替换,比如:The football match was cancelled/called off due to bad weather.(足球比赛因为天气原因取消了)。此外,call off还有“转移、吸引开”等意思,比如:her attention was called off by the arrival of her children(她的注意力被到来的孩子们吸引走了)。



The ministry has been encouraging international students to finish their courses online as organized by their universities. The policies make it clear that students alternative learning experience will not affect the authenticity of their college certificates and degrees.合理引导学生按照学校要求在线完成课程,同时明确留学人员受疫情影响无法按时返校而选择通过在线方式修读课程,不作为影响其学历学位认证结果的因素。


这里的alternative作为形容词表示“有别于传统的”,平常都是在学校里与老师、同学面对面上课,疫情期间大家都只能通过网络上课,这种上课的体验就是与传统的课堂模式不同的。此外,在音乐文化领域,alternative通常翻译为“另类的”,用来表示那些与传统音乐流派或文化流派不一样的类型,比如,alternative rock(另类摇滚)、alternative lifestyles(另类的生活方式)等。Alternative也可以作为名词表示“可供选择的事物”,比如:The menu offered several vegetarian alternatives.(菜单提供了好几种素食选择);the alternative of going by train or by plane(选择坐火车或飞机)等。


On the premise of ensuring educational equity, the ministry will allow a number of existing Chinese mainland-based cooperative educational institutions and programs between China and other countries and between the mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to admit more qualified students.教育部还允许部分中外合作办学机构和项目以及内地(祖国大陆)与港澳台合作办学机构和项目在保证教育公平的前提下,考核招录部分符合特定条件的出国留学生。

The enrolment is meant for students who have already been admitted to universities overseas and planned to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree starting this fall semester, according to the ministry.已持有境外大学录取通知书、原计划于2020年秋季学期攻读境外高校本科或硕博士研究生的中国内地(大陆)籍学生符合基本报名条件。

About 90 joint degree programs in 19 provincial-level regions, including Beijing, Zhejiang and Guangdong, will be made available.参与此次中外合作办学扩招的有北京、浙江、广东等19个省市的约90个中外合作办学以及内地(祖国大陆)与港澳台地区合作办学机构和项目。



Meanwhile, the ministry will guide the communication between the Chinese embassies and consulates with the education departments and universities in the host countries to address the concerns of Chinese students.驻外使领馆教育部门积极与驻在国教育部门和高校联系,敦促其妥善解决我留学人员学业受阻问题。

12. 流感疫苗接种 flu vaccination


Health professionals, staff and vulnerable individuals in venues with gatherings of people, including elderly care centers, nursing and welfare homes, are advised to take flu vaccines on a priority basis, according to suggestions from the latest technical guideline for influenza vaccination issued by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC).中国疾控中心发布的最新版流感疫苗接种技术指南建议医务人员;养老机构、长期护理机构、福利院等人群聚集场所脆弱人群及员工优先接种流感疫苗。


简单介绍一下关于“疫苗”的几个词,vaccine就是“疫苗”本身,vaccinate就是“注射疫苗、接种疫苗”这个动作,而其名词形式vaccination就是“接种疫苗”这件事。这三个词用在句子中表达“某人接种疫苗”可以是:vaccinate someone/someone gets vaccinated /someone takes vaccine/someone gets vaccination。


Teachers and students in nurseries, primary and secondary schools;托幼机构、中小学校的教师和学生;

Prison inmates and workers;监所机构的在押人员及工作人员;

Other groups at higher risk from influenza, including citizens aged 60 and above who stay in their own homes, children from six months to five years old, patients with chronic diseases, family members and caregivers of infants under six months old, and pregnant women or women preparing to become pregnant during the flu season其他流感高风险人群,包括60岁及以上的居家老年人、6月龄-5岁儿童、慢性病患者、6月龄以下婴儿的家庭成员和看护人员以及孕妇或准备在流感季节怀孕的女性等。


A hike in the number of flu patients is expected in autumn and winter, periods that usually have a high incidence of influenza.


The development will overlap with the countrys COVID-19 control efforts, making it more difficult for health professionals to identify COVID-19 cases and increasing isolation difficulties and healthcare burdens, to the disadvantage of COVID-19 control.


教职员工准入查询 background checks on candidates in teacher recruitments


Chinese authorities have ordered mandatory background checks on candidates in teacher recruitments in kindergartens and primary and middle schools, and those who have sex-related crime records will be blacklisted. Such people are also banned from obtaining teacher certification, according to the circular.意见提出,意见明确,中小学校、幼儿园新招录教职员工前,应当进行性侵违法犯罪信息查询,对具有性侵违法犯罪记录的人员,不予录用。有此类犯罪记录的人员也不予认定教师资格。


这里的be banned from表示“禁止、阻止”,与我们常见的bar是近义词,bar和ban通常可以替换使用。如果一定要讲这两个词的区别的话,ban的动词和名词形式多用于表示政府官方机构颁布的“禁令”,而bar通常不带有官方性质。另外,在美剧中经常会看到监狱都有一面铁栅栏墙,所以behind bars表示“进监狱”,比如,The police said they would put him behind bars some day.(警察说总有一天要把他关进监狱。)

此次意见明确了查询的范围:一类是因强奸(rape)、强制猥亵、猥亵儿童(child molestation)犯罪被作出有罪判决的人员,以及因上述犯罪被检察院作出相对不起诉决定的人员。另一类是因猥亵行为被行政处罚的人员。

Such regulations also apply to the recruitment of other faculties, including administrative staff, and odd-job and security personnel in such institutions.意见规定,行政人员、勤杂人员、安保人员等在校园内工作的教职员工招录也要执行上述规定。

Those already holding jobs on campus are also obliged to undergo the checking procedure. Former offenders will be fired and have their teaching licenses rescinded, it said.意见明确,在职教职员工经查询发现有性侵违法犯罪记录的,应当立即停止其工作,按照规定及时解除聘用合同,吊销其教师资格证。

13. 自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones


The plan outlines the priorities for each pilot free trade zone and pledges to give them greater reform space so as to carry out in-depth exploration and expand opening-up.方案明确了每个自贸试验区各有侧重的改革试点任务,赋予更大改革自主权,深入开展差别化探索,加大开放力度。


有关自由贸易区的英文表述,我们通常会看到free trade zone(FTZ)和free trade area(FTA)。这两者的区别是:free trade zone(FTZ)是根据本国(地区)法律法规在本国(地区)境内设立的区域性经济特区,区内贸易政策由本国(地区)自行制定;而free trade area(FTA)则是根据多个国家(地区)之间协议设立的包括协议国(地区)在内的经济体,协议成员之间的贸易往来可享受一定的优惠政策,而这些优惠政策需各方共同协商制定。



The Beijing pilot FTZ will focus on supporting the construction of an innovation center with global influence. It will accelerate the construction of a leading area for the expansion of trade in services and a pilot area for the digital economy.北京自贸试验区围绕助力建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,加快打造服务业扩大开放先行区、数字经济试验区。

The Beijing zone will also strive to build a high-level opening-up platform for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.着力构建京津冀协同发展的高水平对外开放平台。

The plan also details measures for creating a first-class international environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, advancing innovation in services trade management, and exploring the construction of an international port for the information industry and digital trade in the Beijing zone.提出了营造国际一流创新创业生态、创新服务贸易管理、探索建设国际信息产业和数字贸易港等方面的具体举措。


The new pilot FTZ in central Chinas Hunan province will focus on building a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster, an international investment and trade corridor linking the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and a leading area for in-depth economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa.湖南自贸试验区围绕打造世界级先进制造业集群、联通长江经济带和粤港澳大湾区的国际投资贸易走廊、中非经贸深度合作先行区和内陆开放新高地。

The plan puts forward specific measures for the Hunan zone, such as the construction of a high-end equipment manufacturing base and the promotion of coordinated development of services industries in Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.提出了打造高端装备制造业基地、实现湘粤港澳服务业联动发展、建设中非经贸深度合作先行区等方面的具体举措。


Expected to set the standard for opening-up in the inland region, the pilot FTZ in east Chinas Anhui province will focus on promoting the in-depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and the development of the real economy. It will accelerate the pace of its pioneering role in scientific and technological innovation and the cluster development of advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries, and promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.安徽自贸试验区围绕推动科技创新和实体经济发展深度融合,加快推进科技创新策源地建设、先进制造业和战略性新兴产业集聚发展,推动长三角区域一体化发展,形成内陆开放新高地。

The plan introduces measures including promoting commercialization of technological research results to support the Anhui pilot FTZ.提出了促进科技成果转移转化等方面的具体举措。


The added section will focus on building a new type of international trade center, an international shipping and logistics hub, and the construction of a commodity resource allocation base centered on oil and gas. The section will also see the construction of a digital economy development demonstration zone and a cluster area for advanced manufacturing industries.浙江自贸试验区扩展区域围绕打造以油气为核心的大宗商品资源配置基地、新型国际贸易中心、国际航运和物流枢纽、数字经济发展示范区和先进制造业集聚区。


14. 学位论文作假 dissertation fraud


Postgraduate students who commit fraud in their graduation dissertations or theses will be recorded in the national social credit system, a new guideline said on Tuesday. The guideline, jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, asked universities and research institutes to intensify their efforts to crack down on academic misconduct.教育部、国家发展改革委员会以及财政部联合发布的意见要求高校及研究机构加大对学术不端行为的打击力度,并提出,研究生学位论文作假行为将被纳入全国信用信息共享平台。


首先说明一点,这里的theses是thesis一词的复数形式。接着我们说一说大学里的各种“论文”。Paper可以指课程论文,或某个具体研究在会议或者期刊上发表的论文,如term paper(学期论文), course paper(课程论文), research paper(研究论文)。Essay的含义较广,既可指几千字的短篇论文,也可以指散文或者杂文。


“学术不端”(academic misconduct)的一般性界定为:高等学校及其教学科研人员、管理人员和学生,在科学研究及相关活动中发生的违反公认的学术准则、违背学术诚信的行为。


《办法》中明确的六种“学术不端”情形包括:剽窃、抄袭、侵占他人学术成果(plagiarism),篡改他人研究成果(fabrication or alteration of research results),伪造数据或捏造事实(data falsification),不当署名(inappropriate authorship),提供虚假学术信息(providing false or misleading information),买卖或代写论文(academic paper selling or ghostwriting)等。同时授权高等学校可以结合学校实际,自行规定六类之外的学术不端情形。


Education authorities should increase the percentage of students going through random dissertation inspection, and should revoke the accreditation of disciplines that fail to ensure the quality of such works, it said.扩大学位论文抽检比例,对无法保证质量的学科或专业学位类别,撤销学位授权。

It also asked universities and research institutes to impose stricter evaluation standards for supervisors, including their work ethic, academic performance and efforts in supervising students.高校和研究机构要严格导师选聘标准,将师德师风、学术水平、指导精力投入等纳入导师评价考核体系。

Academic integrity should be an important part of postgraduate education and training for supervisors, and dissertation writing guidance should be compulsory for all students, the guideline said.将学术诚信作为导师培训和研究生培养的重要内容,把论文写作指导课程作为必修课。

15. 乡村旅游线路 rural tourism routes


The rural tourism routes cover all provincial-level regions in the country, featuring road trips, sightseeing and homestays, and are meant to tap into local cultural and agricultural resources and boost economic growth.此次推出的乡村旅游精品线路覆盖全国所有省份,包括自驾游、观光游以及民宿等线路,旨在挖掘乡村优秀传统文化和农业资源,拉动经济发展。

据文化和旅游部资源开发司相关负责人介绍,受疫情影响,游客越来越倾向于慢节奏、短周期、近距离的出游方式,对安全、健康、舒适等旅游体验品质更加看重(place more emphasis on safety, health and comfort perception)。


英文报道中经常用tourist、holidaymaker 或 visitor来指代“游客”,那么这三个词有什么区别呢?

Tourist的意思是 “游客、旅游者”。与holidaymaker相比,tourist所涵盖的 “游客” 范围更广泛,指的是 “以休闲为目的,去一个地方旅行观光的人”。这类tourist通常会去参观多个景点,而且整个旅程一般都会超过一天的时间。常见搭配有:tourist attractions 或者 tourist spots 旅游景点;the tourist season 旅游季,也就是某地的接待游客较多的时期。

名词holidaymaker由假期holiday和做某事的人maker组合而成,意思是 “度假者”。Holidaymaker是tourist的一种,它特指那些 “离开居住地去旅游度假的人”。Holidaymaker的度假往往是以放松心情、享受当地人文风光为目的的。

Visitor泛指 “参观一个地方的人”。它和tourist以及holidaymaker不同的是:一个visitor拜访、参观某处的目的不一定只是休闲度假;而且,所参观访问的地点既可能位于他居住的地区,也可能在他居住的地区以外。除了指 “游客” 以外,visitor也可以指 “到别人家拜访的人”、“网站的访客” 等。


Rural tourism in the country experienced a strong recovery in the second quarter of this year, with the total revenue increasing by nearly 149 percent from 69.5 billion yuan (about $10.3 billion) in the first quarter, and continued to pick up steam.今年一季度,全国乡村旅游总收入695亿元,第二季度形势大为好转,环比增长达149%,而且恢复形势持续强劲。



Tourists should learn about the epidemic prevention measures required by tourist attractions in advance, and make appointments before their visits, the ministry said.文化和旅游部提示,游客应提前了解和查询旅游景区疫情防控措施,做到“无预约、不出游”。

The notice also asked tourists to maintain a safe distance while taking public transportation and eating at restaurants.在乘坐公共交通工具、就餐时保持安全间距。

If tourists have symptoms, including fever, coughing and tiredness, they should report their conditions as soon as possible and go to the nearby medical institutions for treatment, the notice said.出现发热、干咳、乏力等症状应及时报告,并就近到医疗机构就诊。

16. 建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生 dropouts from registered impoverished families


The total number of dropouts in Chinas nine-year compulsory education decreased from 600,000 last year to 2,419 as of Sept 15, and the number of dropouts from registered impoverished families has been reduced to zero, down from 200,000 last year, Zheng said.郑富芝介绍,截至今年9月15日,全国义务教育阶段辍学学生由60万人降至2419人,其中建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生由20万人降至0人。


这里的dropout是名词,表示“辍学学生”,其动词形式为drop out,常见的搭配为drop out of school。Drop常见的短语搭配还有drop in/by(顺便拜访),比如:Drop in/by any time—were always home.(随时来都可以,我们都在家。)如果要表明顺便拜访的对象则多用drop in on someone表示,比如:I hate to drop in on people when they arent expecting me.(我不喜欢贸然造访别人家。)

郑富芝介绍,义务教育普及的目标是贫困家庭适龄儿童少年不失学辍学,保障有学上、上得起学(make sure that impoverished students have access to compulsory education);对不能到校的残疾学生(students with disability),采取送教上门的方式(bring education to their doorstep),帮助其接受义务教育。

China has exempted tuition and textbook fees for all primary and junior high school students and offered financial aid to impoverished students, he said.我国对所有义务教育阶段的学生免收学费和书本费,并对贫困家庭的学生发放补助。

The country offered 212.6 billion yuan ($31.3 billion) in financial aid to 106 million students in all levels of education last year, an increase of almost 90 percent from 2012, according to the ministry.2019年受资助学生1.06亿人次,金额达2126亿元,比2012年增长了近90%。


Special arrangements have been made for dropouts who have returned to schools to prevent them from dropping out again, such as offering psychological counseling, grouping them into separate classes and providing vocational training for older students, Zheng said.为了避免劝返回来的学生再辍学,教育部门采取了一些特殊的举措,比如,安排心理咨询,单独编班,对年龄较大的学生提供职业培训等。

17. 中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸 remains of Chinese Peoples Volunteers soldiers

The remains of 117 Chinese Peoples Volunteers soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean War returned to China on Sunday from the Republic of Korea (ROK). This is the seventh annual repatriation, following a handover agreement signed between China and the ROK.9月27日,117位在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回国。这是中韩两国签署交接协议后第七批回国的烈士遗骸。


70年前,中国人民志愿军(Chinese Peoples Volunteers)跨过鸭绿江,奔赴战火弥天的前线,踏上抗美援朝、保家卫国的战场。

The Chinese Peoples Volunteers (CPV) fought alongside the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) army in the Korean War against the South Korean army and the United States-led UN forces between 1950 and 1953.1950年至1953年,中国人民志愿军支援朝鲜战争,同朝鲜人民军一道对抗韩国国军和以美国为首的“联合国军”。

A total of 2.9 million CPV soldiers entered the battlefield, and 197,653 of them sacrificed their lives in the war.共有290万名志愿军战士参与抗美援朝出国作战,有197653名志愿军战士在战争中牺牲。



Y-20 aircraft, the domestically developed transport aircraft, carried out the task for the first time. It was labeled with the serial number 01, as a mark of high respect for the martyrs.国产运-20大型运输机首次执行运送志愿军烈士遗骸回国的任务,机身编号01体现了归烈士们的尊崇。

The remains will be buried in the CPV martyrs cemetery in Shenyang, with a burial ceremony due to be held on Monday.这些烈士将于9月28日安葬在沈阳抗美援朝烈士陵园,并举行安葬仪式。

Cemetery staff have registered more than 5,000 items that were returned together with the previous six groups of remains, and have established electronic files.至此,陵园工作人员已登记5000余件随烈士遗骸一同返回的遗物,并建立电子档案。

In 2019, with the help of DNA technology, China successfully identified six of the unknown martyrs and found their families.2019年,我国利用DNA技术成功识别了六位无名烈士的身份并找到了他们的家人。

18. 黄金周 golden week


A total of 108 million train trips are expected to be made during the travel rush from Monday through Oct 8, with a daily average of about 9.82 million trips, China State Railway Group said.中国国家铁路集团有限公司表示,自9月28日至10月8日,全国铁路预计发送旅客1.08亿人次,日均982万人次。


这里的rush是名词,表示同一时间段内很多人同时做一件事,也就是我们所说的“高峰期”,比如,Spring Festival travel rush(春运)、Christmas shopping rush(圣诞购物季)等。此外,这个词也可以用作动词,表示“快速做某事、突袭”等,比如:Ive been rushing (about/around) all day trying to get everything done.(我忙了一整天,想把所有事情都办完。)We shouldnt rush to blame them.(我们不应该急着责怪他们。)

The company noted the peak of train transport is expected to be registered on Oct 1 -- the first day of the National Day holiday, with 13 million passenger trips. The figure will hit a record high for daily railway passenger trips after the outbreak.国铁集团表示,10月1日为客流最高峰,预计发送旅客1300万人次,将创新冠肺炎疫情发生以来铁路日均客流新高。

To serve rising demand, 9,500 trains will be put into operation every day, an addition of 1,200 trains compared to a normal period, it added.为了应对不断增加的出行需求,全国铁路预计日均开行旅客列车达到9500列,比节前日均增加1200列以上。


Some 408 million road trips are expected to be made during the holiday, according to the Ministry of Transport. All expressways will be toll-free for passenger cars with seven seats or fewer from Friday to Oct 8.交通运输部表示,国庆假期期间公路自驾游有望达到4.08亿次。今年国庆节、中秋节假期,全国收费公路将免收小型客车通行费,具体免费时段从10月1日00:00开始,10月8日24:00结束。

19. 互联网普及率 internet penetration rate


The number of internet users in China had reached 940 million as of June, accounting for one-fifth of the worlds total, according to the report. The internet penetration rate in China reached 67 percent, about 5 percentage points higher than the global average, the report said.报告显示,截至2020年6月,我国网民规模达9.40亿,相当于全球网民的五分之一。互联网普及率达67.0%,约高于全球平均水平5个百分点。


这里的penetration rate多用于商业领域,指“渗透率”,常用的专业表达是market penetration rate(市场渗透率),指某个商品或品牌在整个市场中的普及程度以及销售情况。那么internet penetration rate指的就是互联网在全国的普及及使用程度。类似的表达还有broadband/mobile-phone penetration(宽带/手机普及程度)。


Residents in 98 percent of Chinas poor villages had access to the internet through fiber-optic cables,said the report, noting that the urban-rural digital gap had been significantly narrowed.数据显示,全国贫困村通光纤比例达到98%,城乡数字鸿沟显著缩小。


这里的digital gap就是“数字鸿沟”,又称为“信息鸿沟”,也可以用digital divide来表示,是指在全球数字化进程中,不同国家、地区、行业、企业、社区之间,由于对信息、网络技术的拥有程度、应用程度以及创新能力的差别而造成的信息落差及贫富进一步两极分化的趋势。消除数字鸿沟有助于缩小rural-urban divide(城乡差距)。


The number of the countrys livestreaming users reached 562 million by the end of June, 309 million of whom are engaged with e-commerce livestreaming, according to the report.报告显示,截至6月底,我国直播用户达5.62亿,其中3.09亿为电商直播用户。


Internet services such as online education, medical consultation and remote-office facilities have great development potential due to the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, said the report, adding that the number of online-education users now exceeds 380 million.受新冠肺炎疫情影响,在线教育、在线医疗、远程办公等成为极具发展潜力的互联网应用,其中在线教育用户已超过3.8亿。

  转自:(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
