

SUMMER July 1 - September 10 防风险、保平安、迎大庆 Prevent Risk , Ensure Safety, Welcome the Great Celebration 专项安全教育 Special Safety Education 一、安全口号safety slogan 1、三个必须:管行业,必须管安全;管业务,必须管安全;管生产经营,必须管安全。



July 1 - September 10


Prevent Risk , Ensure Safety, Welcome the Great Celebration

专项安全教育 Special Safety Education

一、安全口号 safety slogan


   The three must: govern the industry, must be in charge of safety; manage business, must be in charge of safety; manage production and operation, must be in charge of safety.


  The nine Chinese words policy: Prevent risk, ensure safety, welcome the great celebration.


   The four most: Take the strongest responsibility for safety, take the highest standard to prevent safety standards, implement safety supervision with the strictest requirements, and take the most practical measures to ensure stability and controllability.


   Vice Premier Ma Kais "four strictest" proposals for civil aviation safety work: the strictest responsibility, the strictest supervision, the strictest punishment, and the most serious accountability.


    Four relationships: safety and development, safety and efficiency, safety and normality, safety and service.


       Spirit of safety instructions from all levels


    Speech by Director Li Jian at the teleconference on aviation safety on August 1


Safety is not only the lifeline of the industry, but also the political lifeline of leading leaders at all levels of civil aviation. Ensuring the absolute safety of flight transportation is the primary political task of civil aviation at present.

(1)传达国务院全国安全生产电视电话会议精神  (见钉钉群)

       To tell the spirit of the national teleconference on safety production of the State Council  (Refer to our team Ding Talk group)        

2、近期行业典型不安全事件 (见钉钉群)

      Recent happened typical unsafe events in the industry (Refer to our team Ding Talk group) 

(1)近期典型风险 recent typical risks


         The operation at high elevation airports is complex and changeable, and the support pressure is high.


     Thunderstorm weather is frequent, and risk management and control are difficult.


        At the peak of summer operation, personnel fatigue control is facing severe challenges.


    Personnel qualification training needs to be strengthened, and conventional risks are transferred.

(2)  近期安全工作要求 recent safety work requirements


Improve political standing,actually implement main responsibility of safety production;


Strengthen supervision, ensure the effective implementation of rules and regulations;


 Full authorization. improve operational risk management and control capabilities;


Take a multi-methods,  resolutely prevent the fatigue operation of front-line personnel;

牢固树立安全第一的思想,压实安全责任,加强风险预警,防止超时超量运行,营造良好的安全运行环境,全力以赴,坚决打赢暑运攻坚战,以最高标准、最严要求,迎接新中国成立 70 周年。

Firmly establish the idea of safety first, stress safety responsibility, strengthen risk warning, prevent overtime and over limit operation, create a good and safe operation environment, try the best, resolutely win the hard battle of summer operation, and welcome the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China with the highest standards and strictest requirements.


      Instructions of company safety committee meeting on August 5


         Safety committee member speech, put forwards requirements for next stage safety work


     Fully understand the current safety situation, learn from lessons before, prevent and control safety risks.


The risks of not on time safety information report, low fuel, irrational flight crew allocation, aircrew health and fatigue.


     To sort out routes with high safety risks, and formulate corresponding measures


      Samui flight new pilots risk, runway overrun risk at short runway in rainy day, well do support; Lasha flight turbulence injury, overspeed, deviation from altitude risks; pay high attention to new route risk management.


Analyze and implement the work requirement of the Administrator, and ensure cabin safety.


     Supervise coordination during preparation, strictly follow the No.96 file, avoid turbulence injury.


Well play the role of operation risk control center, well do abnormal flight disposal


      Play the function for operation brain and center, make notice before, provide strong support for flight crew in flight decision making.


    Immediately carry out safety check, sort out potential safety risk


   Find out potential safety risk, eliminate the induces, lower down the possibility of unsafe event


         Speech by deputy director of the safety committee


Typical unsafe incidents happened in the industry recently have exposed problems in flight style, regulations implementation, and work implementation. We should well control the "four relationships", effectively carry out safety training and education, and learn from the lessons of others. The crew members should be good at reminding each other, doing well in the "five preventing", and attaching great importance to the crew fatigue problem, control the operation risk on the ground, ensure the operation safety.

(3)安委会主任讲话 Speech by director of the Safety committee


With the coming of the great celebration, the company should enhance its political sensitivity, correctly understand the new features and requirements of safety work, firmly implement them and ensure absolute safety. Strict standards, reserve enough safety margin in operation; well work, once find risks, must put forward; all kinds of information within the company must be unblocked, and the information need to be reported to the Administrator must be reported strictly in accordance with the requirements. Making full use of the achievements of the theme education of "Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind", stressing safety at a political level, carrying out the task with a sense of responsibility, and truly solving the problems.

本周重要提示 Important Notice 


   May all please again take notice for each flight (leg) the flight release in the EFB MUST be signed by the PIC and to confirm all details are correct. For any query please contact AOC in time.   

2, 请大家必须落实!尤其针对五防及CCAR396事件有关(但不限于,五防类立即报),必须以飞行安全和运行正常作为首要任务,严禁发生影响飞行安全和运行的事件,并按照时间规定内与中队长取得确切联系(拿不准就报),绝不允许发生瞒报漏报事件,一经查实,严惩不贷。

    ALL MUST confirm that during flight operations, especially ANY 5 Avoidance or CCAR396 document listed events are involved (NOT limited to, 5 avoidance related report immediately). Flight safety and normal operation measures MUST BE FIRST priority. STRICTED PROHIBITED for any affect on flight safety and operation, and confirmed direct contact with relevant TEAM LEADERs MUST be accomplished ASAP (If not sure, CONTACT), it is not allowed to have any mis-reporting or false reports. Those WILL BE punished without leniency once verified!


   In flight operation, AOC will make different suggestions according to the situation of different airports, please cooperate.


 Capts, please confirm the co-pilots flight experience time in time on the E-license. If the filling error, pls handle according to the requirements and the captain still needs to confirm after re-filling.

5, 天气不好时,机组要做好预案,同一机场不能复飞超过两次。

    Flight crew should make a  contingency plan for bad weather and should not make more than 2 go-around operation at the same airport.


   Strictly follow SOP & Eight Must and One Against, comply with the bottom line, violators and cause unsafe events will be severely punished.


   Improve political standing,Tie your job to your current situation! Safety is the lifeblood of civil aviation development, also be the biggest politics.

8,民航局决定即日起至2019年9月30日在全行业开展以“防风险、保安全、 迎大庆”为主题的安全大检查。

   The civil aviation administration of China (CAAC) has decided to launch an industry-wide safety inspection with the theme of "preventing risks, ensuring safety and welcoming 70th National Holiday" from 5th August to September 30, 2019.

      a, 请大家严格监控执勤期、休息期,严格遵守规章,不踩底线、红线;

      Please strictly monitor the duty period, rest period, strictly abide by the rules, do not violate rules and reguations;

      b, 加强针对典型不安全事件从技术能力、安全风险防范等方面实施针对性的补充学习;

    Strengthen the implementation of typical unsafe events from the technical capacity, security risk prevention and other aspects of targeted supplementary learning

      c,  针对夏季雷雨、大风和冰雹天气等恶劣气象条件下运行以及特殊机场、重点机场运行,根据自身实际情况,及时查找技术上的薄弱环节,有针对性地学习;

     In view of the summer thunderstorm, wind and hail weather and other adverse weather conditions, as well as the operation of special airports, important airports, please find technical weaknesses and learn according to your own actual condition.

         d, 严格安全信息报告制度执行。

     Strictly implement the safety information reporting system.

9,准备网App正式上线试运行,大家可以下载安装开始正式试用了,同时保留原有网站的准备方式,准备结果都是同样记录,无需重复准备。安装及详细操作说明参考文件。如有问题大家可以截图后钉钉联系席位,或者直接联系开发商技术支持   何彦森:18180524505  或齐振彬:15801319798 。

   Online Preparation App has been officially launched for trial operation, you can download and install it. Meanwhile, keep the original preparation method on the website, and the preparation results are the same record, no need to repeat the preparation. If you have any questions, you can contact the flight crew control after screenshot.

Android :https://www.pgyer.com/3bGZ

IOS :https://www.pgyer.com/CAOd



   Recently, many areas in China happened large scale thunderstorm weather, thunderstorm, gale, strong precipitation and other adverse weather would continuously endanger flight safety, in order to make sure safety operation under complex weather, and prevent the occurrence of unsafe event, Flight Department makes the follow notices:

    a, 飞行过程中,按sop要求进跑道开启气象雷达;根据危险天气的强度、位置、高度,提前向管制部门了解绕飞限制,制定最佳的绕飞方案,以免陷入被动;绕飞间隔严格按SOP执行;

       In flight, follow SOP requirement to turn on weather radar after entering runway; according to the intensity, location, altitude of the dangerous weather, try to acknowledge diversion limits from ATC, make the best diversion plan, to avoid passivity; strictly implement actions as SOP during diversion; 

    b, 机组航前准备时,应仔细研究航路、着陆及备降机场的天气情况,提前做好预案;

     During pre-flight preparation, flight crew shall study weather situation of en-route, landing and alternate airports, make plans in advance; 

    c, 根据气象预报,机组与签派员共同协调放行油量,严防因绕飞雷雨产生的低油量事件发生;

       According to weather forecast, flight crew and dispatcher shall decided dispatch fuel together, strictly prevent the event of low fuel due to thunderstorm diversion;

     d, 严格落实飞行前绕机检查,核实所有放电刷完好无损,检查气象雷达和雨刷工作正常,严格执行放行标准;

     Strictly implement walk around check, verifying all discharge brushes in good condition, checking weather radar and wiper working normal, and strictly implement release standard; 

      e, 起飞阶段在绕飞及乱流时,机组应时刻监控飞机状态的改变,结合飞机特点和天气状况执行标准喊话,收形态一定要监控好速度,防止收形态时超限制速度(超限至少为一般差错);

   During diversion and air turbulence in departure phase, flight crew shall keep monitoring aircraft status change, combine with aircraft situation and weather condition to implement standard call outs, must well monitor speed during configuration retraction, to prevent over speed during configuration retraction (if over limit, at least will be a general error event);  

      f, 飞行过程中机组应随时监控剩余油量,尤其在绕飞和等待过程中,提高决断意识,作好决断;

    In flight, flight crew shall monitor FOB, especially during diversion or holding, shall promote decision awareness, and make good decision;

     g, 机组须认真做好进近准备和简令,将进近着陆过程中可能出现的特殊情况做好预案,严格遵守运行手册规定,如果不能建立足够的目视参考,禁止起降,严格遵循“八该一反对”,确保运行安全;

    Flight crew shall well do approach preparation and briefing, make plans for special situations which might happen during approach and landing, strictly follow regulations in manuals, if cannot establish enough visual reference, it’s forbidden to takeoff and landing, strictly follow “the eight things to do, and one thing to be against”, make sure safety operation; 

      h, 一旦在运行中发生雷击等不安全事件,或在检查飞机时发现飞机有雷击点,机组应及时填写记录本,并第一时间按规定的相关途径进行上报。

   Once happens unsafe events such as lightening strike in operation, or checked out lightening strike traces during ground check, flight crew shall fill in log book in time, and report as regulations at the first time. 

英语学习English Corner

Weather analysis      气象分析

Dispatching office     签派室

Flight dispatcher      签派员

ATIS               通播

Weather radar        气象雷达

Weather             (特指)雷暴

Cumulonimbus/CB    积雨云

Thunderstorm        雷暴

Cells                雷暴单体

Squall               飚线

Cumulus stage        积聚阶段

Mature stage         成熟阶段

Dissipating stage      消散阶段

Lightning            闪电

Hail                 冰雹

Search for CB         搜寻雷暴

Indicate              显示

Indication            显示

Circumnavigate        绕飞

Go round             绕飞

Offset to the left/right    左/右偏置

Deviate from the left/right 左/右偏置

Clear of weather         远离雷暴

Resume flight route      恢复计划航路

Back on course    返回(计划)航路

The thunderstorms will last for about 40 minutes according to the weather update. Request diversion.


Request a general heading of 050 due to multiple cells ahead. 


The latest SIGMET says a super-cell thunderstorm is developing at our destination. Is our flight affected? 


A dissipating thunderstorm is ahead of us. We are near the zero-degree isotherm. Request deviate an additional 10 miles to the right. 


Our radar shows a strong echo from the thunderstorm ahead. Request immediate right turn to avoid it. 

