

目录: 每年21.6万港币-香港中文大学王鑫教授招收博士生(2023年秋季入学)西交利物浦大学产业联合培养全奖博士招生北欧第一学府-哥本哈根大学提供2个岗位制博士名额香港理工大学提供全额资助的博士生职位澳大利亚…
















01 每年21.6万港币-香港中文大学王鑫教授招收博士生(2023年秋季入学) 招生信息香港中文大学医学院王鑫教授招收生物信息学方向博士生,2023年秋季入学王教授毕业于剑桥大学肿瘤学系与英国癌症研究院剑桥研究所,哈佛医学院生物医学信息学系博士后,2021年加入香港中文大学医学院。




详细信息见:https://www.surgery.cuhk.edu.hk/profile.asp?alias=xwang待遇: 奖学金每年21.6万港币左右更多奖学金信息:https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissio


ns/scholarships-fees/scholarships#opennewwindow要求:1. 具有生物信息学、模式识别、计算机、机器学习、或应用统计学等本科或硕士学历医学背景且具有计算机、统计数据分析经验的学生也会考虑。


2. ielts(>=6.5)或 toefl(>=79 internet-based)3. 在相关领域内发表过peer review的会议或sci期刊文章的学生将优先考虑请有意者email联系 xinwang@cuhk.edu.hk。


02 西交利物浦大学产业联合培养全奖博士招生博士项目名称:新型OLED像素驱动电路设计Novel OLED Pixel Driving Circuit Design奖学金编号: FOS2003JO01


培养方式:西交利物浦大学 + 集萃有机光电技术研究所 联合培养培养地点:苏州博士导师: Dr. Hai-Ning Liang(西交利物浦大学);Prof. Man-Keung Fung(集萃有机光电技术研究所);Dr. Jieming Ma(西交利物浦大学);Dr. lan Sandall(英国利物浦大学)。





• 中国:2021上海软科前100高校或世界一流大学或一流学科建设高校: 加权平均分75及以上;其他学校: 本科或硕士加权均分80 分及以上,视学校而定• 英国:二级甲等荣誉学位及以上, 或硕士学位成绩良好(Pass with Merit)及以上

• 北美:本科或硕士GPA 3.0及以上(总分4)英语语言成绩要求:雅思6.5分(单项不低于5.5分) 或同等水平托福、PTE成绩投递简历或项目课题相关问题请联系导师:Dr. Hai-Ning Liang(西交利物浦大学,Principal Supervisor, Email: haining.liang@xjtlu.edu.cn)。



咨询电话:0512-85186415QQ交流群:634559891咨询邮箱:JITRI@xjtlu.edu.cn网址:http://www.xjtlu.edu.cn地址:江苏省苏州市工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路111号 西交利物浦大学中心楼1134

03 北欧第一学府-哥本哈根大学提供2个岗位制博士名额2 PhD positions (100%, 3 years each) in psychology, with a focus on dis/honesty

The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for two PhD positions (100%, 3 years each). Supported by the Velux Foundation, the chosen candidates will primarily work in a project related to dis/honesty, together with one (to be hired) Postdoc and Séamus A. Power and Ingo Zettler as PIs.

The positions are for 36 months each. The preferred starting date is asap in 2023 (or earlier, if requested), but any time until September 2023 is, in principle, feasible. We thus explicitly encourage interested students to apply if they plan to finish their studies in this period.

Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe chosen candidates will be part of a project investigating dis/honesty from different perspectives and in different domains (including brutal honesty, close/intimate relationships, and from a cultural perspective). The project will comprise studies using various methods, both qualitative and quantitative. The chosen candidates will contribute to the project with their expertise, interests, and skills. The chosen candidates are expected to publish scientific articles as well as to present at international conferences. In general, the positions are highly research-focused, and funding is available for conducting studies, research visits, PhD courses, or the like. In addition, the chosen candidates will be asked to fulfill other work obligations (typically, teaching or supervising) to a small degree in the overall time period.

Your Competencies and OpportunitiesApplicants should have pursued a degree in Psychology or a related field. It is desired that applicants have already gained experiences in min. one of the following research areas: close (or intimate) relationships, cultural research, dis/honesty. It is desired that applicants have strong qualitative (especially in terms of interview studies) and/or quantitative methodological skills. Most likely, one chosen candidate will be strong in qualitative, and one will be strong in quantitative methods (or candidates are strong in mixed-methods). It is not a requirement to understand or speak Danish.

Terms of EmploymentIn order to be awarded a PhD scholarship the chosen candidates have to enroll as PhD students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, cf. the rules of the Danish Ministerial order No 1039 of 27 August 2013. Most likely, the applicants will be enrolled in the PhD program at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.

The exact salary depends on several factors (e.g., chosen pension scheme), but can be expected to be around 21,500 DKK net/month.

Further information about the PhD study programme is available on the website of Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences:

https://samf.ku.dk/phd-skolen/english/Under "Legal basis" on the website you will find information about the rules and guidelines for the PhD programme, and the Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities.

The recruitment processShortlisted applicants are notified of the composition of the assessment committee, and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant themselves. Further information on these recruitment process at University of Copenhagen can be found here:

https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/An Equal Opportunity WorkplaceThe University of Copenhagen is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to creating an inclusive working environment and therefore encourages all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity etc. For more on the diverse working place environment at the University and the University’s participation in the HRS4R HR Excellence in Research, see

https://employment.ku.dk/working-at-ucph/eu-charter-for-researchers/Contact informationInformation about the recruitment process is available from HR, e-mail: hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk, please refer to ID number: 211-1174/22-2H.

Additional information about the position can be obtained from Séamus A. Power (seamus.power@psy.ku.dk ) or Professor Ingo Zettler (ingo.zettler@psy.ku.dk ).

How to applySubmit a complete application at our online portal. Click on the (https://employment.ku.dk/all-va

cancies/?show=157181)to apply. The documents must be in Adobe PDF or Word. Your application must be written in English and include the following documents:

Cover/Motivation letter (max. 2 pages)Curriculum vitaeDiplomas and transcripts of gradesBachelor and Master theses (if applicable)

Contact information from 2 potential refereesThe closing date for applications is 23:59 CEST on 19 September 2022.

Applications or enclosures received thereafter will not be considered.04 香港理工大学提供全额资助的博士生职位香港理工大学机械工程系先进交流生机实验室招收博士

Project DescriptionWhile the rapidly advancing haptics technologies in wearable devices and surface haptic devices have enabled many exciting applications in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), telecommunication, and teleoperation, they still suffer from issues in bulkiness, comfortability, and consistency. The solutions to these issues lie in the fundamental understanding of the multi-physics interactions in the human-machine interface. At advanced human-machine mechanical interface lab (AHMMIL), students will work on interdisciplinary projects developing models and prototypes to study various haptics interfaces including wearable sensors and actuators, surface haptics devices and kinesthetic systems.

QualificationMotivated applicants with backgrounds in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering and other related fields are welcome to apply. The knowledge in mechanics, finite element analysis, machine learning and heat transfer are a plus. PolyU require IELTS - overall 6.5, or TOEFL - IBT 80.

The following experiences are a plus:a. Wearable electronicsb. Soft roboticsc. Biomechanicsd. CFDe. Multiphysics Numerical Modeling

f. AIAbout the PIDr. Yuan Ma received his bachelors and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering and materials science from Tsinghua University, Beijing in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 2018. Prior to joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2021, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Texas A&M University. His research interest includes micro/nano scale mechanical and tribological behavior of human-machine interfaces, haptics metamaterials development, wearable devices with piezoelectret materials, and application of artificial intelligence in human-machine interactions. He has authored peer-reviewed journal papers in Science Robotics, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Transaction on Haptics, and IEEE Transaction on Magnetics.

StipendThe current Research Studentship covers tuition and a monthly stipend of ~ HK$ 18,000, 12 months per year for 3 years.

ContactFor more information, please contact Dr. Yuan Ma via email: y.ma@polyu.edu.hk05 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学提供2个全奖博士的名额

澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(QS45)的GRID研究中心有2个全奖博士的名额有兴趣的同学可以直接邮件联系GRID主任Prof Zlatanova ( s.zlatanova@unsw.edu.au),具体可以参考附件中英文版的招生AD。





一个关键的重点领域将是分布式信息管理、计算系统、并行处理体系结构、微服务体系结构和集群计算解决方案如何实现大规模基于Agent的模型,并将其与3D GIS或BIM数字环境中的危险分布模型相联系要求:-国际或国内


